Flaxleaf fleabane

Published: 2 Sep 2013

Flaxleaf fleabane fact sheet cover page

Flaxleaf fleabane is a major weed of the northern cropping region and an emerging problem in the south and west. It is difficult to kill, particularly when mature. However, if a range of control tactics and vigilant monitoring is used, successful control is possible.


  • Flaxleaf fleabane is now a problem weed in all Australia’s grain-producing areas.
  • It is a prolific seed producer and seeds can disperse long distances.
  • Use an integrated weed management (IWM) strategy and focus on running down the weed seedbank.
  • Target young, small weeds (seedlings and young rosettes); herbicide efficacy decreases as flaxleaf fleabane matures.
  • 2,4-D and FallowBoss® TORDON are the only herbicides registered for in-crop control of fleabane.
  • To reduce the likelihood of resistance developing use full label rates of herbicides, rotations between herbicide groups and prevent seed set of survivors
  • Flaxleaf fleabane is susceptible to several residual herbicides.
  • A double-knock approach is needed for dense infestations, especially if weeds are more than one month old.
  • Utilise crop competition for added control of weed growth and seed production.
  • Strategic tillage will suppress weed germination.
  • Flaxleaf fleabane flourishes in non-cropping areas such as along fencelines. Maintain good on-farm hygiene to prevent new incursions.

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Region North, South, West

Region: North; South; West

GRDC Project Code: UOQ1107-002RMX,