Chickpea disease management (Southern and Northern Regions)

Published: 6 May 2013

Managing fungal diseases of chickpeas

A single disease management strategy rarely provides complete disease control. Using a number of integrated disease management (IDM) techniques, is more likely to control diseases.

An integrated approach to managing fungal diseases in chickpeas in the southern region should focus primarily on ascochyta blight while also paying attention to botrytis grey mould and sclerotinia.

Controlling the major fungal diseases of chickpeas in the northern region requires an integrated approach to disease management and prevention.

Key points

  • Integrated disease management in chickpeas involves paddock selection, variety choice, seed dressing, strategic fungicide use and hygiene.
  • Paddock selection to minimise Phytophthora root rot is the first priority. Then implement an appropriate ascochyta blight strategy based on rain forecasts and the level of varietal resistance.
  • Choose an ascochyta blight resistant variety. The new varieties PBA HatTrickPBR logo and PBA BoundaryPBR logo have improved resistance to ascochyta and require fewer or no fungicide sprays.
  • Ensure the paddock is more than 500 metres from chickpea stubble.
  • Aim for a break of at least four years between chickpea crops.
  • Use seed from a clean paddock for sowing.
  • Use a fungicide seed dressing, especially in high disease risk situations.
  • Do not sow too early, even with an ascochyta blight resistant variety.
  • Aim for 35 to 50 plants per square metre, depending on the situation and crop type (kabuli or desi).
  • Monitor crops regularly during the growing season for disease development and take appropriate action to reduce disease impact.
  • Observe good on-farm hygiene to reduce disease sources and prevent spread.
  • Varieties resistant to ascochyta blight still require foliar fungicide at podding.
  • Harvest early to minimise infection of seed. Crop desiccation enables even earlier harvest.

    Region: North; South